Staverton Parish Council 2015 – 16 Accounts

Approved Cashed Chq no Payee Particulars Total VAT Admin Greens Lighting Playing field Contingency
Salary PAYE Expenses Website Hall hire NCALC Training Audit Insurance Advertising Subs Mowing Maintenance Electricity Maintenance
02.01.15 07.05.15 505 EON Lighting maintenance 143.04 23.84 119.20
03.03.15 17.06.15 515 BHA Trees Ltd Tree inspection 216.00 36.00 180.00
07.04.15 10.04.15 516 S Foster Salary and benefits 499.05 0.00 499.05
07.04.15 10.04.15 517 S Foster Expenses 37.81 0.00 37.81
07.04.15 30.04.15 518 Wicksteed Play inspection 54.00 9.00 45.00
07.04.15 15.04.15 519 T Glover Postage 1.72 0.00 1.72
07.04.15 29.04.15 520 J Golding Printing 7.20 1.20 6.00
12.05.15 18.05.15 521 S Foster Salary and benefits 264.33 0.00 264.33
12.05.15 18.05.15 522 S Foster Expenses 45.33 0.00 45.33
12.05.15 28.05.15 523 Johnston Press Advert 149.11 24.85 124.26
12.05.15 04.06.15 524 NALC LCR subscription 17.00 0.00 17.00
12.05.15 18.05.15 525 T Glover Barn roof supplies 99.82 0.00 99.82
12.05.15 28.05.15 526 EON Electricity 314.72 52.45 262.27
12.05.15 04.06.15 527 EON Maintenance 143.04 23.84 119.20
12.05.15 02.06.15 528 NALC Subs & Audit 415.71 0.00 155.00 260.71
12.05.15 28.05.15 529 Broker Networks Insurance 1133.13 0.00 1133.13
02.06.15 22.06.15 530 T Glover Barn materials 25.03 0.00 25.03
02.06.15 07.07.15 531 S Foster Salary and benefits 250.68 0.00 250.68
02.06.15 07.07.15 532 S Foster Expenses 39.12 0.00 39.12
07.07.15 13.07.15 533 S Porter Salary and Expenses 168.31 154.81 13.50
07.07.15 15.07.15 534 Treetops Remove Beech Tree 390.00 390.00
07.07.15 16.07.15 535 E-On Street Lighting Maint 143.04 23.84 119.20
07.07.15 16.07.15 536 E-On Street Light Removal 312.00 52.00 260.00
04.08.15 07.08.15 537 S Porter Salary and Expenses 217.11 204.61 12.50
04.08.15 02.09.15 538 Mr N Cook Barn Deposit 79.08 79.08
04.08.15 17.08.15 539 NCALC Training Course 39.00 39.00
04.08.15 10.08.15 540 J Golding Barn Expenses 211.06 35.18 175.88
04.08.15 10.08.15 541 J Golding Barn Expenses 488.00 81.33 406.67
04.08.15 21.08.15 542 HMRC PAYE – S Porter 38.60 38.60
04.08.15 21.08.15 543 HMRC PAYE – S Foster 40.33 40.33
04.08.15 02.09.15 544 SearchQuest Web Hosting 2015-16 120.00 20.00 100.00
04.08.15 27.08.15 545 E-On Street Light Repair 354.00 59.00 295.00
01.09.15 07.09.15 546 S Porter Salary & Expenses 180.71 167.21 13.50
01.09.16 13.01.16 547 S Hollowell Planning Enquiry 50.00 50.00
01.09.17 09.09.15 548 BDO Audit 120.00 20.00 100.00
01.09.18 07.09.15 549 Eon Electricity 87.31 17.47 69.84
01.09.19 16.09.15 550 DDC Election 83.00 83.00
06.10.15 09.10.15 551 S Porter Salary & Expenses 217.31 179.81 37.50
06.10.15 09.10.15 552 J Golding Tele Box refurb 62.68 62.68
06.10.15 15.10.15 553 EON Street Light Maint 143.04 23.84 119.20
06.10.15 22.10.15 554 NCALC Training x 2 78.00 78.00
03.11.15 06.11.15 555 S Porter Salary & Expenses 167.11 154.61 12.50
03.11.15 07.12.15 556 T Glover Swing Shackles x 2 32.98 5.27 27.71
03.11.15 10.11.15 557 E-On Street Lighting Oct 15 474.60 79.10 395.50
03.11.15 12.11.15 558 Info Commissioner Data Protection 35.00 35.00
01.12.15 04.12.15 559 S Porter Salary & Expenses 205.71 167.21 38.50
01.12.15 07.12.15 560 T Glover Swings & Hall Hire 47.99 20.00 27.99
01.12.15 15.12.15 561 HMRC PAYE – Q2 27.07 27.07
01.12.15 11.12.15 562 Country Gardens Grass Cutting 2015 735.00 735.00
07.12.15 21.12.15 563 Johnston Press Grass Cutting 2015 192.00 32.00 160.00
05.01.16 08.01.16 564 S Porter Salary & Expenses 179.71 167.21 12.50
05.01.16 11.02.16 565 T Glover Village Hall Hire x 2 40.00 40.00
05.01.16 14.01.16 566 E-On Transfer supply x 3 1368.00 228.00 1140.00
05.01.16 14.01.16 567 E-On Street Light Maint 143.04 23.84 119.20
05.01.16 19.01.16 568 Village Hall Hire Hire 192.50 192.50
05.01.16 15.02.16 569 Aylesbury Mains Supply/Install x 3 5616.00 936.00 4680.00
02.02.16 05.02.16 570 S Porter Salary & Expenses 179.71 167.21 12.50
02.02.16 11.02.16 571 A Glover News Article 25.00 25.00
02.02.16 11.02.16 572 HMRC PAYE Q3 52.40 52.40
02.02.16 573 Village Hall Village Hall Hire x 2 40.00 40.00
02.02.16 09.02.16 574 E-On Street Lighting 474.60 79.10 395.50
01.03.16 04.03.16 575 S Porter Salary & Expenses 212.19 167.21 44.98
01.03.16 08.03.16 576 A Glover N/Plan Expenses 60.80 60.80
01.03.16 08.03.16 577 Image IT Ltd N/Plan Printing 701.69 116.95 584.74
01.03.16 578 Village Hall Hall Hire 40.00 40.00
01.03.16 09.03.16 579 Aylesbury Mains S/Lights Removal 280.80 46.80 234.00
580 S Porter 179.71 167.21 12.5
581 A Glover 333.87 111.14 222.73
582 D Scott 29.7 29.7
583 Groundwork 765.87 765.87
584 Village Hall 60 60
585 E-On 143.04 143.04
20514.51 2162.04 2711.16 158.40 340.46 100.00 332.50 0.00 117.00 155.00 1133.13 309.26 377.71 735.00 8208.88 262.27 100.70 3311.00
Control Budget Monitoring 20514.51
Variance 0.00